13 August 2015
Chris Burden’s arrangement is considered to be the masterpiece of the LACMA collection. You don’t need a ticket to see it: it stands just outside the Rodin sculpture garden.
13 August 2015
Chris Burden’s arrangement is considered to be the masterpiece of the LACMA collection. You don’t need a ticket to see it: it stands just outside the Rodin sculpture garden.
13 August 2015
My flickr followers like this black and white atmosphere piece of a man walking to pretty much nowhere in the LACMA complex.
13 August 2015
Rodin’s student Emile-Antoine Boudelle gave us this rare glimpse of the creator of The Thinker and the Lovers. I love his wild and stormy beard.
13 August 2015
LACMA isn’t the Louve, but it does have some stunning paintings such as “The Orator” by Magnus Zeller, a particularly vivid piece illustrating the period before Hitler’s rise to power.
13 August 2015
I tried to curse this view of the roof at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art as a personal favorite, but it did not work.
13 August 2015
There’s a store at the Farmer’s Market that sells only hot sauce. This is an example that I dared not try.
13 August 2015
A visit to Farmer’s Market is always good for the food. The number of stands run by actual farmers or featuring crops has been severely reduced over the years, however.
11 August 2015
I used a star filter to capture this shot and silhouette of the foothills in Whiting Ranch.
11 August 2015
An experiment using two graduated filters, one on the top, one on the bottom. The vignetting is due to the stacking of the filters.