We’re going to Senegal in October with stops in London and Paris on the way over. It will be an eight to nine hour time difference from my home in Orange County. I’m in the process of choosing a set of cameras to bring with me. My Nikon D70 with a 32 GB SD card is a surefire pick as is the Nikon N8008 armed with a couple of zoom lenses and a pinhole lens for a little variety. After that I less certain: perhaps the Fisheye, the La Sardina, or my new Holga come to mind. A new tripod should complement the package plus a Samsung HC-V250 camcorder.
Filmwise, I will be bringing along my Agfa Precisa, some Ilford black and white, and maybe some Fomapan.
Senegal is flat which means that it will be a special challenge for me photographically. We’re planning to go on safari once (hence the need for a telephoto). There are plenty of interesting places such as Lake Rose (which lives up to its name), mosques, old cities, a huge statue called African Renaissance (the largest in Africa), the infamous Ile de Goree where Obama walked through the Door of No Return, and numerous markets. “Senegal, Land of Many Colors” is how an Italian friend described it.
The pictures should start showing up in November.